28/08/2024 – 16/09/2024

  • On 12 September, the Greek Prime Minister reacted to Germany’s recent decision to reintroduce border controls at all its borders for the next six months. He said that the solution to the problem of migration cannot be the abolition of the Schengen area, but rather solidarity, compromise and the implementation of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum.
  • On 9 September, the Aegean Boat report revealed that 1925 asylum seekers arrived in the Aegean islands between 2 and 8 September. During the same period, 65 boats were pushed back by the police.
  • On 5 September, the Greek NGO Refugee Support Aegean published a report which denounced the deplorable conditions of refugee camps in Greece, particularly the lack of personnel in migrant reception centers. There are only 29 doctors for all the camps, and only 69 interpreters for the 18,412 residents.
  • On 5 September, 30 Afghans and 2 Syrians arrived on the Greek island of Lemnos. 118 people had arrived by boat the previous week.
  • On 4 September, 100 people arrived on the island of Tilos. The Coast Guard found them without food or water, but all are now safe.