
Abdel Hafez Tayel


Travel Ban

Abdel Hafez Tayel is the founder of the Egyptian Center for the Right to Education, an organisation promoting human rights education in Egypt.

On 17 September 2016, Cairo Criminal Court confirmed the order to freeze his personal assets based on an accusation of illegally receiving foreign funding. If found guilty, he can face up to 25 years imprisonment.

In November 2016, Abdel Hafez Tayel was heading to Kuwait to attend an international conference on education when airport authorities detained him for several hours before ordering him to head home. He was banned from travelling.

In June 2017, Abdel Hafez Tayel was summoned for interrogation, formally charged and interrogated by the investigative judge in the “foreign funding case” against NGOs. Tayel is accused of receiving foreign funding with the aim of harming national security, establishing the independent Teachers’ Union in violation of the law, tax evasion and “moral fraud”.

Tayel has also been questioned about an article he wrote calling ex-President Mubarak a criminal.

He was summoned for questioning in September 2021.