09/05/2023 – 05/06/2023  

  • According to the IOM, population movements in Niger increased by 20% in the first half of 2023. 2/3 of them are going to or coming from neighboring countries such as Algeria, where they have been expelled.  
  • According to AlarmePhone Sahara, more than 2,000 people were expelled from Algeria to Niger between 20 and 23 May.   
  • Mid-May, 9 bodies of migrants from sub-Saharan African countries were discovered at the Algeria-Tunisia border. They died of hunger and cold. Last year, at least 4 migrants lost their lives in the same place.  
  • On May 8, Border Forensics published a survey showing the increased risk of death faced by migrants crossing the desert from Niger to Libya. The organization used innovative technological methods to carry out its investigation.  
  • Around May 9, 14-16 people left Algeria by boat and are still missing today.