07/03/2023 – 04/04/2023 

  • A report published by Statewatch and Heinrich Böll Stiftung revealed that in February 2022 European Interior Ministers signed a secret joint statement that committed EU countries to increase financial and material support for deportations from the Balkans. According to Statewatch, the plan of establishing a “Regional Return Mechanism” was signed by ministers from Western Balkan states, over half of the EU member states, the French Presidency of the EU Council, and Switzerland. By agreeing on such a mechanism, the ministers committed to “intensify cooperation” for “demand-oriented and targeted support in the field of return, in particular from the Western Balkans towards third countries.”  The commitments are echoed in the European Commission’s recent action plan on the Western Balkans, which promises to “increase EU action to step up returns from Western Balkans partners.”  
  • On March 16, Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson visited Serbia to discuss migration and border management cooperation. She met with President Aleksandar Vučić, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, Minister for Interior Bratislav Gašić, Minister for Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić, and Minister for EU Integration Tanja Miščević. The discussions focused on strengthening border management, asylum procedures, supporting reception capacity, combating migrant smuggling, improving and providing support on return and readmission, and aligning Serbia’s visa policies with those in the EU. The Commissioner also went to the Serbia-Hungary border with Minister Gašić and Frontex Executive Director Hans Leijtens to visit the recently deployed Frontex officers