Palestine, Israel and the Palestinians Working Group

EuroMed rights Working Group on Israel/Palestine and the Palestinians was established in 2001 and is composed of Israeli, Palestinian, Arab and European member organizations. It convenes twice a year to discuss strategy aimed at  promoting respect for human rights and international humanitarian law in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and in particular in the EU’s foreign policy and bilateral relations with Israel and the Palestinian leadership.

The aim of the Working Group on Palestine/Israel and the Palestinians is to promote respect for human rights and international humanitarian law by all parties to the conflict. In this context, the Working Group works towards the end of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory and the realisation of right of the Palestinian people to self-determination;  securing the right of civilians, including Palestinians and Israelis, to protection under international law is at the core of this work. The Working Group also works towards securing the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel and the Palestinian refugees in host countries.

To achieve these goals the group is focused on and actively involved in advocacy work in the EU and the UN, as well as in other fora and urges the international community to adhere to its own obligations and commitments under International Law.